p/s: semua ni nmpk mcm betul, tapi betul ke tidak yg iphone akan keluarkan jam ni sebenarnya , tidak la eden tau, sbb ini hanya rumor (khabar angin), for me this rumor is about 60% gonna be true. Wallahualam.
The good:The Wii U offers a unique two-screen gaming experience on a tablet controller dubbed the GamePad. It's the first-ever HD Nintendo gaming system that offers gameplay for up to five people on select games. The Wii U is also fully backward compatible with old Wii games and controllers. Off-TV play on select games allows for placeshifting play without the need for a TV.
The bad:Some OS loading times are too long, and the GamePad has a very short battery life. The built-in storage may not be enough for those who plan on downloading a lot of games. The Wii U graphics are only just about on par with current-generation games on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Playing some Wii U games can be awkward and requires getting used to in general. Having to look away from the screen on some games can be uncomfortable or disorienting. Nintendo TVii feels incomplete and doesn't do a great job of organizing your TV viewing experience.
The bottom line:Despite some clever dual-screen gaming mechanics, the Wii U's lack of compelling exclusive software and an overall unpolished user experience make it tough to recommend in its current state.
p/s: well, if you want a console with the best and awesome resolution, then Wii is not for you. Better wait for the next gen of PS or XBOX to come out. Wii maybe good for kids and for fun.
- the price/value of gold is stable (about similar) from ancient times to today
- the amount of gold extracted equals the world population growth
- the price of gold is expected to increase in the next months
3 sebab utama:
- harga/nilai emas stabil (tak banyak berubah) dari zaman dahulu hingga ke hari ini. Sebagai contoh, jika anda boleh beli kuda dengan 20 gram emas pada zaman Mesir purba, anda boleh juga boleh beli kuda dengan 20 gram emas pada tahun 2013 ini.
- jumlah emas yang digali (dikeluarkan dari bumi) sama dengan pertumbuhan populasi manusia di dunia setiap tahun. Jadi nilai /harga emas tidak akan jatuh terlalu rendah, insha Allah. Tidak seperti nilai matawang dolar US yang jatuh, sebagai contoh, pada tahun 1980-an jika anda pergi pasaraya dengan RM100 anda boleh beli banyak barang (troli akan penuh), tapi jika anda belanja RM100 dan pergi ke pasaraya pada hari ini untuk beli benda yang sama, troli anda tidak akan penuh (mungkin kurang dari separuh penuh).
- harga emas akan dijangka naik pada bulan februari, mac 2013
KUALA LUMPUR: Spekulasi bahawa kerajaan India mungkin meningkatkan duti import ke atas emas kepada enam peratus tahun ini, dijangka mendorong permintaan untuk komoditi itu.
Persekutuan Persatuan Perniagaan Emas dan Permata Malaysia, Ermin D.M. Siow, berkata harga emas semasa adalah di antara US$1,650 satu auns dan boleh mencecah US$1,800 satu auns hari ini.
"Sungguhpun ia sedikit rendah daripada harga pada 2011, yang melihat harga emas mencecah US$1,920 satu auns, ia masih stabil dan dijangka meningkat lebih tinggi," katanya kepada Bernama dalam satu temuramah.
Beliau menjangka harga emas akan mula meningkat menjelang akhir Februari atau awal Mac.
"Terdapat pelbagai punca kepada perkara ini. Salah satunya ialah pelabur akan meningkatkan simpanan mereka untuk mengambil peluang daripada harga yang rendah, sebelum kerajaan India membuat apa-apa pengumuman mengenai duti import.
"Memandangkan Hari Raya Cina akan disambut pada Februari, ramai peniaga akan mula membeli untuk meningkatkan inventori mereka yang akan mendorong permintaan fizikal untuk emas," katanya.
Siow berkata selain membeli barangan kemas, pembeli juga membeli komoditi itu sebagai alat pelaburan.
"Dengan ketidaktentuan dalam ekonomi global dan langkah oleh Bank Pusat untuk mengekalkan kadar faedah yang rendah, orang ramai tidak lagi menyimpan duit mereka di bank.
"Mereka mula membeli emas sebagai pelaburan kerana peningkatannya baru-baru ini dan ia adalah cara yang paling selamat untuk mengelak inflasi," katanya.
Siow, yang juga pengarah eksekutif Poh Kong Holdings Bhd, berkata emas untuk pelaburan menguasai hampir 40 peratus daripada permintaan dunia, berbanding kurang 20 peratus pada awal 2000.
Mengenai kedudukan Poh Kong, beliau berkata peratusan pembeli yang mahu melabur berbanding memilih barangan kemas, telah meningkat sedikit.
Oleh itu, beliau berkata Poh Kong juga menawarkan pelaburan dalam bentuk kepingan emas, bermula daripada satu gram hingga satu kilogram.
Ditanya tentang perbezaan antara pelaburan emas menerusi peniaga emas dan menerusi bank, Siow berkata dari segi harga, bank mungkin memberi harga yang lebih berdaya saing.
"Tetapi terdapat had dalam pembelian tunai dan waktu perniagaan juga terbatas.
"Perniagaan emas seperti kami dibuka setiap hari sehingga 10 malam dan kami menawarkan skim pembayaran mudah. Ia juga adalah lebih mudah bagi pembeli untuk menjual semula kepada kami berbanding kepada bank," katanya. - BERNAMA
These killer earbuds solve two huge problems we’ve always had with these little guys. For starters, these $40 buds have extra magnets built in, allowing them to nest together when not in use, so they won’t become all knotted up in your pocket. Second, when they’re paired together you can spin the cord around them for easy storage. No more tangled messes when all you want to do is listen to your music. Speaking of listening to music, they sound great, too.
Polk Audio Woodbourne
This mahogany-veneered Bluetooth speaker feels as impressive as it sounds. The 17-pound speaker is substantial and gorgeous. The 180-watt player includes to 5.25-inch drivers and two 1-inch tweeters, and it’ll play tracks via Wi-Fi, AirPlay, Bluetooth or a straight USB hookup.
Scanadu SCOUT
Trekkies, your tricorder is here. Scanadu’s awesome little device captures body temperature and heart data via an array of sensors built into the small device. Just hold it up to your temple, where it snags your pulse, electrical heart activity, temperature, heart rate variability, and blood oxygenation. It transmits the whole mess of data to your smartphone, where the app translates and graphs everything for you, or communicates the intel to your doctor. That would be McCoy, of course.
Ergotron Omnimout Laptop desk
We’re huge fans of stand-up desks at Men’s Health—they’re healthy and addictive. Omnimount makes top-quality adjustable units that can easily alternate between sitting and standing. Their newest addition is this laptop-specific desk that supplements their models that support monitors and keyboards. And you know what? You don’t even have to use it with a laptop—you can just, I don’t know, write on it, too.
Omron HR-500U Strapless Heart Rate Monitor
Heart rate monitors that operate sans the often-uncomfortable chest straps have been around for a few years, but they only take intermittent readings. Omron’s is the first to capture continuous heart-rate data without the strap, monitoring that along with distance, pace, and calories on your daily run. Plus, the lightweight, breathable strap is washable, so it won’t grow funky over time. When it’s out, it’ll run just $150.
BodyMedia VUE Patch
The body-scanning experts from Pittsburgh, who’ve seen great success with their ultra-sensitive BodyMedia FIT armband, are about to release a new, disposable 7-day sensor patch for those of us who don’t like wearing straps. This device will monitor your exertion, heart-rate, and sleep quality, let you automatically upload the data to their online analytical tools, and will stay on no matter how much you sweat or swim. (Plus, they assure us it won’t hurt when you rip it off.) You probably won’t put a new one on every week—but rather every now and then for a week at a time to grab detailed snapshots of your health fitness trajectories.
Garmin Edge 810
Saddle up on your bike with Garmin’s newest cycling computer, which now allows users to program in multiple bike types and ride categories, from road training to trail riding. The touchscreen is bright, permitting easy glances at mapping and data streams.
The good:The affordable HTC One VX for AT&T serves up a modern Android OS, a dual-core processor, and a feature-rich camera. The phone also delivers rock-solid call quality and long battery life.
The bad:The HTC One VX lacks quad-core processing and a removable battery.
The bottom line:It may not be a fire-breathing superphone, but the HTC One VX offers plenty of Android goodness for under $50.
For berry gelato, twist our vanilla version (related recipes) with a sweet fruit puree. This makes slightly more gelato and needs a little longer to cook.
500ml (2 cups) milk
250ml (1 cup) thickened cream
6 egg yolks
155g (3/4 cup) caster sugar
((Raspberry puree))
500g fresh or frozen raspberries
55g (1/4 cup) caster sugar
2 tsp fresh lemon juice
Related Recipes
Step 1
Place a shallow metal container or loaf pan in the freezer to chill. Place the milk and cream in a saucepan. Bring to the boil. Set aside for 5 minutes to cool slightly.
Step 2
Meanwhile, use a balloon whisk to beat the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl until thick and pale, and a ribbon trail forms when the whisk is lifted. Gradually whisk in the cream mixture.
Step 3
Place in a clean saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly with a flat-edged wooden spoon, for 15 minutes or until the custard coats the back of the spoon - test with your finger. Set the custard aside for 30 minutes to cool slightly.
Step 4
Meanwhile, to make the raspberry puree, process 500g fresh or frozen raspberries in a food processor until smooth. Strain through a fine sieve into a bowl, gently pushing it through with the back of a spoon. Discard the seeds.
Step 5
Place the raspberry puree, 55g (1/4 cup) extra caster sugar and 2 tsp fresh lemon juice in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to the boil.
Step 6
Reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer for 8-10 minutes or until mixture thickens slightly. Set aside for 10 minutes to cool slightly. Stir raspberry mixture into the custard. Continue from step 4.
Step 7
Transfer the mixture to a heatproof bowl. Cover the surface of the custard with plastic wrap to prevent a skin forming. Set aside for 30 minutes to cool then place in the fridge for 2 hours to chill.
Step 8
Pour the mixture into the chilled container. Cover with foil and place in the freezer for 6 hours or until firm but still slightly soft in the centre. Use a metal spoon to roughly break up the gelato. Transfer the gelato to a food processor (bottom left) and process until smooth. Place the gelato back in the metal container. Cover with foil and freeze overnight or until firm
This slick little Wi-Fi-enabled camera has all the Samsung bells and whistles—portrait enhancement, 16.2 megapixels, etc. But it also has a major trick up it’s sleeve—a small LCD on the front of the body that you can use to frame self-shots or run small animations (included) when taking pictures of your kids. For once, they’ll sit still and smile while you try to take their picture.
Samsung 110” TV
Yes, it’s 4K-resolution splashed across a 110-inch screen. And yes, it’s got this crazy easel-like mounting system that you’ll need some serious living-room real estate to accommodate. But oh, the image is sublime. It makes us want to get rich and score a McMansion just so we can watch TV on this thing.
RED REDRAY 4K Cinema Player
This year, ultra-HD televisions are the rage. The 4K sets—which pack four times the resolution of a standard 1080p television—are pricey but spreading like wildfire among manufacturers, even though there isn’t a ton of true 4K content out there yet. When you do throw down for 4K, this player from RED is your ticket to home-theater awesomeness. Made by the people who produce the famous RED cameras now in high demand in Hollywood, the roughly-$1,400 REDRAY 4K Cinema Player features a 1TB internal drive to download and store media, and it will upscale conventional DVDs to the higher, sharper 4K resolution.
LG EA93 UltraWide LCD monitor
We saw this ultra-wide computer monitor leaked a few months ago, and fell in love with it immediately. Think of it as two monitors fused into one spectacularly wide display, with terrific adaptability for your desktop workspace—without the need for a second screen. It’s 21:9 aspect ratio also make it a perfect fit for movies.
LG Curved OLED Television
Not sure we understand why a curved television is such a great idea—the fact that organic LEDs make it possible doesn’t mean there’s necessarily a benefit here. Perhaps one day it’ll be useful in, who knows, a 150-inch television or something that wraps around the viewer. (Truth be told, LG doesn’t actually intend to produce the curved versions right now.) But the real benefit of normal, flat OLED is extreme thinness, terrific color rendition, and lightweight. That’s good enough for us.