Thursday, September 6, 2012

Doa memohon kebaikan dari Allah


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Greatest airline myths unravelled

Ever wondered by airline food tastes so bland? How about why many airlines still have ashtrays? Wonder no more. Some of the most common airline myths and mysteries have been unravelled by

Lightning strikes: Its true passenger planes are inevitable targets for lightning, with an average of just one lightning strike on a commercial airline a year. However, lightning hasn't brought down a passenger plane since 1967. Planes have to pass stringent lightning certification tests before they are allowed to fly.
Superstition in the skies: Some airlines, including Air France, Emirates, Lufthansa and Ryanair, have removed row 13 from their planes so as not to worry flyers who are a little superstitious. Lufthansa also flies minus a 17th row, as it's regarded as unlucky in both Italy and Brazil.
Ashtrays: Smoking on planes has been banned for nearly 15 years, but all planes worldwide must legally have ashtrays. That's not to say that the airline is encouraging you to light up, but rather as a precaution in case some sneaky passenger can't control their cravings for the duration. A discarded cigarette once sparked a plane crash in 1973.
Oxygen gets you high: If you've seen Fight Club, chances are you believed Brad Pitt when he said that oxygen gets you high. Not true, it's actually a loss of oxygen that makes you feel this way, so that's why airlines provide the masks in case the cabin pressure suddenly drops.
The safest seat on the plane: According to researchers from the University of Greenwich commissioned by the US Civil Aviation Authority, the myth about the safest seat on the plane is true. Should you be involved in a mid-air incident, the emergency exit is said to be the safest seat. The result was based on the accounts of 2000 survivors in 105 air accidents around the world.
Food is bland in the sky: It's true, food really does taste different in the skies as the atmosphere inside the cabin dries out the nose and then the change in air pressure numbs approximately a third of the taste buds. You can add as much flavouring to the dish as is humanly possible, but it still won't taste the same as it does on the ground.
Random fasten seat belt sign: Lastly, the fasten seat belt sign coming on randomly with no sign of turbulence. This is actually so the pilot can take a toilet break. A cabin crew member will guard the flight deck door while the pilot makes the trip to the lavatory.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Prophet Muhammad's final speach to mankind before his death (A summa...

10 surah dlm Al-quran yang dapat mencegah 10 perkara

Doa mohon perlindungan Allah dari ditimpa kesusahan bala dan musibah

Musibah yang dialami oleh seorang mukmin, baik yang besar atau kecil, merupakan balasan Allah atas dosa-dosa yang pernah dilakukannya. Musibah tersebut sebagai penghapus dosa-dosa selama ia terbebas dari perbuatan kesyirikan dan dosa besar lainnya. Sehingga ia akan menghadap Allah dalam keadaan bersih dari dosa yang pada akhirnya akan dimasukkan surga oleh Allah Ta’ala. Apabila ia tidak melakukan 
kezaliman berupa kesyirikan, kezaliman terhadap sesamanya, atau kezaliman terhadap dirinya, maka ia akan mendapatkan rasa aman pada hari kiamat dan petunjuk di dunia dan akhirat. (Fathul Majid, tanpa tahqiq hal. 38).

Lalu bagaimana agar musibah yang menimpa seorang mukmin dapat menjadi penghapus dosa bahkan menjadi pahala dan menggantikan musibah itu dengan sesuatu yang lebih baik ?

Pertanyaan ini telah dijawab oleh Allah Ta’ala dalam Surah Al Baqarah 156-157 :

"Orang-orang yang apabila tertimpa musibah mereka mengatakan:"inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un (Sesungguhnya kami ini milik Allah dan kami akan kembali kepada-Nya). Mereka itu mendapatkan salawat (pujian) dan rahmah. Merekalah orang-orang yang mendapat petunjuk."

Nabi Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa salam juga memberikan petunjuk kepada kita apa yang harus diucapkan ketika kita tertimpa musibah, besar atau kecil, dengan mengucapkan kalimat istirja’.

Dari Abu Hurairah radhiallahu anhum bahwa Rasulullah Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa salam bersabda :

"Hendaklah salah seorang kamu mengucapkan istirja’ dalam segala hal (musibah) meskipun yang terjadi pada tadi sandalnya. Sebab yang demikian tergolong musibah."

(Syaikh Al Albani mengatakan bahwa hadith ini hasan setelah melihat adanya penguat hadith ini berasal dari Ibnu Sunni dengan sanad lemah (Al Kalimuth Thayyib, Ibnu Taimiyah, tahqiq Al Albani, hal.81)

Ummu Salamah radhiallahu anha mengatakan bahwa ia pernah mendengar Rasulullah Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa salam bersabda :

"Seseorang yang tertimpa musibah lalu ia berkata : inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un dan berdoa : Allahuma jurnii fi musibatii wakhluf liya khairan minhaa (Ya Allah berilah aku pahala dalam musibah ini dan gantikanlah untukku dengan yang lebih baik daripadanya). Niscaya Allah akan memberinya pahala karena musibah itu dan menggantikan untuknya dengan yang lebih baik." (HR. Muslim 3/37-38).

Tatkala Abu Salamah (suaminya) meninggal, dia mengucapkan apa yang dikatakan Nabi Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa salam. Tak lama kemudian ia menjadi isteri Rasulullah Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa salam, suami baru yang lebih baik dari pada Abu Salamah. Siapa mengira ia mendapatkan suami Rasulullah Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa salam sementara ia sendiri pernah mengatakan :"Lelaki mana yang lebih baik daripada suamiku"? (Mukhtashar Syarah Shahih Muslim, hadith no. 918)

Dengan demikian semestinya tindakan seorang mukmin dalam menghadapi segala macam musibah dengan tetap dalam keadaan sabar, istiqamah dan mengharap pahala serta ampunan Allah. Tidak sebaliknya dengan menggerutu, menampar-nampar pipi atau menyobek-nyobek saku baju, menjerit atau tindakan lain yang tidak selayaknya diperbuat oleh seorang mukmin.


Doa untuk memudahkan sebarang urusan

Ya Allah, tidak ada kemudahan kecuali sesuatu yang Engkau permudahkan, Engkau menjadikan kedukaan/kesusahan itu mudah sekiranya Engkau kehendaki.


Doa Istikharah

Doa Istikharah bererti:
Memohon semoga Allah menunjukkan keputusan yang terbaik untuk dilaksanakan.

Kata Jabir bin Abdullah: Rasulullah s.a.w. mengajar kami beristikharah dalam semua pekerjaan seperti baginda mengajar kami satu surah dari Al-Quran, sabdanya: "Apabila seseorang kamu mempunyai rancangan untuk melakukan sesuatu hendaklah dia melakukan solat sunat dua rakaat, kemudian bacalah doa ini:

"Ya Allah, aku memohon petunjuk daripadaMu dengan ilmuMu dan aku memohon ketentuan daripadaMu dengan kekuasaanMu dan aku memohon daripadaMu akan limpah kurniaanMu yang besar. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Berkuasa sedangkan aku tidak berkuasa dan Engkau Maha Mengetahui sedangkan aku tidak mengetahui dan Engkaulah Yang Maha Mengetahui segala perkara yang ghaib. Ya Allah, seandainya Engkau mengetahui bahawasanya urusan ini (sebutkan..) adalah baik bagiku pada agamaku, kehidupanku dan kesudahan urusanku sama ada cepat atau lambat, takdirkanlah ia bagiku dan permudahkanlah serta berkatlah bagiku padanya da seandainya Engkau mengetahui bahawa urusan ini (sebutkan..) mendatangkan keburukan bagiku pada agamaku, kehidupanku dan kesudahan urusanku sama ada cepat atau lambat, maka jauhkanlah aku daripadanya dan takdirkanlah kebaikan untukku dalam sebarang keadaan sekalipun kemudian redhailah aku dengannya".

(sebutkan urusan yang dimaksudkan di tempat yang bertitik).

Tidak akan menyesal sesiapa yang bertanyakan penciptanya dan berbincang dengan orang-orang mukmin kemudian berhati-hati dalam menangani persoalannya.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Penerangan Mengenai Zakat Harta

Zakat merupakan rukun islam yang ke-4. Harta perlu dizakatkan sekiranya harta tersebut spt duit dlm akaun bank dll.:

- kekal tidak diusik/diambil di dalam akaun itu selama 1 tahun.
- harta tersebut bernilai lebih dari nilai 85 gram emas pada masa berkenaan.

Dan jika 2 syarat itu dipenuhi, maka 2.5% dari harta tersebut perlu dizakatkan.

#Contoh (jika harta tersebut adalah duit dlm akaun bank):

-Dengan anggapan 2 syarat di atas telah dipenuhi.

Harga emas untuk 1 gram = USD $45.01
Harga emas untuk 85 gram = USD $45.01 * 85 = USD $3, 825.85

Nilai emas tersebut ditukarkan kpd Ringgit Malaysia (RM), note: USD $1 = RM 3.29
Maka, nilai 85 gram emas dalam RM ialah = USD 3 825.85 * 3.29 = RM 12 587.05

Jika jumlah simpanan yg kekal selama setahun dlm akaun bank itu ialah RM 12 600 (lebih dari nilai 85 g emas pada masa tersebut), maka nilai yang perlu dizakatkan ialah 2.5% daripada jumlah tersebut iaitu:

RM12 600 * 2.5% =  RM 315

p/s: wallahualam, harap sesiapa yang pakar dpt membetulkan andai ada kesilapan pada penerangan di atas.

Doa Memohon Perlindungan Allah dari Azab Neraka, Azab Kubur, Fitnah Kehidupan, Fitnah Kematian & Fitnah Dajjal... :)


diambil dari:

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Good Investment You Should Make

With so much economic uncertainty about it’s understandable to be more cautious about your investments. Both in personal finances and small business operations, these are shaky times.
However there is one investment you can make today that will not fail, regardless of any economic upheaval abroad. It also happens to be the most valuable investment you’ll ever make - an investment in yourself.
It will provide healthy returns every day, go with you everywhere you go and multiply itself over time. To help you get on this sure fire path to investment success, here are the 5 most influential areas of your life to invest in.

A Good Morning Routine

Set up a constructive morning routine. Identify the things you would like to get done in the morning then organise your routine around them. It might be a quick jog instead of Facebooking or reading an article instead of choosing what to wear.
The trick is organising your morning before you go to bed...pick out your clothes... tidy up the kitchen...whatever it is that slows you down in the morning, eliminate as much of it as you can the day before.
When you have a constructive morning routine you’ll feel much better for the rest of the day. Plus you will have already lightened your workload.

Improve Relationships

Improve your relationships. This doesn’t necessarily mean ‘doing your time’ at networking events, just keeping in touch with people you know and not shying away from people you don’t know.
So get off Facebook and call that friend you’ve been meaning to, stop re-tweeting and send a personal email to someone that interests you, and spark a conversation with that interested looking person on the train.
You’ll be much better connected, happier and more energised by making new friends and strengthening your relationship with existing ones. But no hard sells, the business benefit of these relationships will take care of itself.

Take Care of Your Health

Make healthy eating choices and get some regular exercise in. Claiming you don't have time is no excuse. It might be a 20 minute walk to get your lunch across town, or a longer route to work each day. You only need to make it routine and the time will be there for it.
Exercise and healthy eating is a proven way of improving your mood, mental alertness and energy levels. Basically, you’ll feel great and the business side of life will be better off for it.

Read More

Take 20 minutes to read something every day. Whether its inspirational, motivational, entertaining or industry specific, it doesn’t matter just as long as you’re reading. It’s only a matter of trading in a TV show, carrying a book on the commute to work or browsing on your lunch break.
By regularly reading you will become more creative, improve your information retention and attention span and become more motivated. These are all big benefits when running a business day to day.

Get on Top of Technology

Manage the time you spend tinkering with technology. Only check your emails at designated times and only read the ones you intend to respond to immediately. And stop checking Facebook so often, your friends are always doing the same thing...nothing.
You will save time, improve workflow by having fewer interruptions and eliminate one of the pillars of procrastination.

Get To It!

Now that you’re armed with the areas for improvement, make the best investment of your life, in your life, today.

Starting-Up Business For Under $1000

Think starting a business is expensive and daunting? No way. Here's how to get going for under $1000...

Most people think that starting up a business is an expensive and daunting exercise. But in truth it’s now cheaper and easier than ever before.
Sure, once you get the ball rolling there’s going to be some hard work involved, but that’s part of what makes running your own show such a rewarding experience.
So if costs and complications have deterred you from starting up, here’s a step by step guide to getting your business going for under $1000.
Draw Up a Business Plan
The first and most essential step in turning an idea into a successful enterprise is drawing up a business plan. It will flesh out any weaknesses and bring all the costs together so you know your strengths and weaknesses and exactly what resources are required.
There are plenty of free templates available online that guide you through the process, but a good place to start is the Australian government business portal.
Choose & Register a Name
Once you’ve drawn up a business plan and feel you’re on to a good thing, the next step is to decide on and secure a name. It should be unique but also clearly spell out what you do.
Choose something catchy, make sure the domain name is available and register both the domain and the business name so they’re all yours.
COST: $100
Get Branding
Given a name, it’s time to get branding. Logo design can cost thousands, but it can also be done very cheaply too. If you’ve got a bit of design flare then draw up an idea and then get it professionally sharpened, otherwise just outsource the whole thing through a site like Freelancer.
Once you have a logo get ready to roll it out across your website and social media presence. While you’re at it, give yourself a title and print some neat business cards.
COST: $200
Tech Up
Whether you’re an internet based business or not, you absolutely must have a website. There are some great free options like WordPress which will let you set up and update your content, as well as Google and MYOB’s latest initiative Getting Aussie Business Online. These sites guide you through creating a complete company website.
Given the free resources available, you may want to splash out on a sharp template for your website too. A decent looking page will cost you around $50 and hosting the site will cost $10 to $15 a month.
It doesn’t need to be swish, it just needs to be there.
COST: $250
Market Your Message
Having set everything up, you need to put it out there, get it in front of people. You may have a solid business plan, great logo and sharp website, but without marketing it’ll all go unnoticed.
Telling your personal network is the first step, but then you need to move outside your network. Write some copy for industry relevant blogs, get active on social networks and set a budget for search engine marketing.
Search engine marketing places ads for your business next to relevant key words in Google and you pay a small fee each time the ad is clicked on. Once your budget is exhausted each month the ads stop appearing. Simple.
COST: $360
All counted that’s $910 for a start-up in full swing. Expensive and daunting? No way.
Need more info? KBB Start Up Expert Mat Beech on Starting a Business on a Shoestring.

3 Pools of Great Employees

Next time you’re pondering that empty chair in the office, be sure to give these three applicants another look. You might just find someone who fits your shoes.
“Our most productive investment remains our people. It is through the dedication, skills and initiation of our people that Visy Industries has prospered and will continue to move ahead.” – Late Visy chief and founder of one of the country’s most successful companies, Richard Pratt.
What Pratt said is nothing new, but it is very true. Employees have always been and will continue to be the most important determinant of a business’s success. Unfortunately, hiring the best employees is tricky business.
Sourcing superior players from your arch rival, promoting premium employees from within or enticing exceptional applicants off the street generally means forking out top tier salaries.
But don’t be fooled, by no means is a big budget a prerequisite to getting great people on board.
Here are three less considered, slightly contrarian approaches to recruiting the people that will help your business “prosper and continue to move ahead”.
Career Changers
If an applicant doesn’t have a background in your industry, don’t immediately rule a line through them.
People with enough confidence in their ability and conviction to make a career move are often well equipped with the skills to excel in any job. Once trained up in how to do something new, exceptional employees will shine at almost any profession.
Accountants scratch the surface of issues, paramedics work well under pressure, engineers look at things from all angles. Don’t categorise career switchers based on the industry they’re from, look at the qualities inherent in the job they used to do.
The other advantage of career switchers is knowing they wouldn’t have chucked in a career elsewhere to come knocking on your door if they weren’t serious about the job.
Sportspeople, whether professional or casual, make great employees.
Competitive sport, especially team sport, instils a range of highly sought after and hugely valuable personal qualities found in all great business leaders.
Self-discipline, team work, leadership, training skills and motivation are all important, transferrable qualities taken from the footy oval to the office.
These are skills so actively pursued and fostered by successful businesses that identifying them at the recruitment stage can save a lot of time and expense.
And not only do sportspeople boast these great mental qualities, but odds on they’ll also be fit and full of energy too.
Inexperience is always a gamble, but one that can reap huge dividends with a little application.
Young people work hard to try justify their place and want to repay the faith showed in hiring them on the back of nothing more than a piece of paper.
Hard work and impressionability aside, they also bring great energy and enthusiasm to the workplace and are probably way more in touch with latest trends and technology than you are.
As business continues its emigration online, this is valuable knowledge.
Taking on youngsters may cost a bit of time in training, but spending bucks teaching your own talent pool of dedicated, bright young things will reap considerable rewards.
So next time you’re combing through resumes, pondering that empty chair in the office, be sure to give these three applicants another look.
You might just find someone who fits your shoes.
Got some tips to share? Join the conversation on Facebook.

Doa minta perlindungan Allah drpd syirik

“Ya Allah! Sesungguhnya aku berlindung kepada-Mu, agar tidak menyekutukan-Mu, sedang aku mengetahuinya dan minta ampun terhadap apa yang tidak aku ketahui.” ~ Aamiin

[HR. Ahmad dan imam yang lain: 4/403, lihat Shahihul Jami’: 3/233, dan Shahihut Targhib wat Tarhib oleh Al-Albani: 1/19]



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