Saturday, July 16, 2011

Malaysia vs Liverpool (1-1) Rahim Goal 16/07/2011

Malaysia vs Liverpool (1-1) First Half Goals & Full Highlights 16/07/201...

”Setiap tasbih adalah sedekah, setiap tahmid adalah sedekah, dan setiap tahlil adalah sedekah, setiap takbir sedekah, setiap amar ma’ruf nahyi mungkar sedekah, dan semuanya itu tercukupi dengan dua rakaat dhuha.” – Muslim 1181

Kehebatan Syurga Berdasarkan Al-Quran | + discover the beauty of islam

Kehebatan Syurga Berdasarkan Al-Quran | + discover the beauty of islam
Teman, aminkan doa ini agar keluarga kita teguh Iman & Islamnya, 'Rabbana la tu zigh qulubana ba'da idz-hadaitana wa hablana min ladunka rahmah, innaka antal wahhab' 'Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau condongkan hati kami pd kesesatan stlh Engkau beri petunjuk pd kami & karuniakanlah kpd kami rahmat dr sisiMu, sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pemberi' (QS. ali-Imran : 8).

Roller Coaster Paling Curam dunia?

Kak Laily Nasi Ayam Original › Malay › Where To Eat | FriedChillies › The All-Time Food Network

Kak Laily Nasi Ayam Original › Malay › Where To Eat | FriedChillies › The All-Time Food Network

Allah's Love...

One day, I woke up early in the morning to watch the sunrise.
Ah, the beauty of God's creation is beyond description.
As I watched, I praised God for the beautiful work.
As I sat there, I felt the Lord's presence with me.

He asked me, "Do you love me ?"
I answered, "Of course God! You are my Lord!"
Then He asked,"If you were physically handicapped,
would you stil love me ?"
I was perplexed.I looked down upon my arms,
legs and the rest of my body and wondered how many things,
I wouldn't be able to do, the things I took for granted.
And I answered, "It would be tough Lord,
but I would still love you."

Then the Lord said,"If you were blind,
would you still love my creation?"
How could I love something without being able to see it ?
Then I thought of all the blind people in the world
and how many of them still loved God and his creation.
So I answered, "Its hard to think of it, but I would still love you."

The Lord then asked me,"If you were deaf,
would you still listen to my word ?"
How could I listen to anything, being deaf ?
Then I understand.Listening to God's word is
not merely using our ears but our hearts.
I answered, "It would be tough but
I would still listen to your words,"

The Lord then asked,"If you were mute,
would you still praise my Name?"
How could I praise without a voice ?
Then it occured to me:God wants us to sing
from our very heart and soul.
It never matters what we sound like.
So I answered, "Though I could not physically sing,
I would still praise your Name."

And the Lord asked,"Do you really love me ?"
With courage and a strong conviction, I answered boldly,
"Yes Lord!
I love you because you are the one and true God!"
I thought that I had answered well, but God asked,
"Then why do you sin?"
I answered, "Because I am only human, I am not perfect."

"Then why do in times of peace you stray the furthest ?
And why only in times of trouble do you pray the earnest ?"
No answer. Only tears.

The Lord continued:Why only pray at fellowships and retreats ?
Why seek me only in times of worship ?
Why ask things so selfishly?
Why ask things so unfaithfully ?
The tears continued to roll down my cheeks.

Why are you ashamed of Me ?
Why are you not spreading the good news ?
Why in times of presecution, you cry to others
when I offer My shoulders to cry on ?
Why make excuses when I give you opportunities to serve in My Name ?
I tried to answer but there was no answer to give.

You are blessed with life.
I made you not throw this gift away.
I have blessed you with talents to serve me,
but you continue to turn away.
I have revealed My word to you, but you do not gain in knowledge.
I have spoken to you, but your ears were closed.
I have shown my blessings to you, but your eyes were turned away.
I have sent you servants, but you sat idly as they were pushed away.
I have heard your prayers and I have answered them all.
Do you truly love Me ?

I could not answer.
How could I ?
I was embarrased beyond belief.
I had no excuse.
What could I say to this ?

When my heart had cried out, and the tears had flowed,
I said, "Please forgive me Lord.
I am unworthy to be your servant."
The Lord answered,"That is my grace, my servant."
I asked, "Then why do you continue to forgive me ?
Why do you love me so ?

The Lord answered, "Because you are my creation.
I will never abandon you.
When you cry, I will have compassion and cry with you.
When you shout with joy, I will laugh with you.
When you are down, I will encourage you.
When you fall, I will raise you up.
When you are tired, I will carry you.
I will be with you till the end of the days
and I will love you forever."

Never had I cried so hard before.
How could I have been so cold.
And for the first time, I truly prayed.

Dalam sebuah hadith Rasulullah SAW bersabda :”Keutamaan bulan Syaaban di atas semua bulan itu, seperti keutamaan aku di atas semua Nabi dan keutamaan bulan Ramadhan itu di atas semua bulan ibarat keutamaan Allah SWT di atas semua hamba-Nya.”  Bulan Syaaban adalah bulan Rasulullah dan bagi kita umatnya berbagai ganjaran yang disediakan untuk setiap amalan bagi persediaan menghadap bulan Ramadhan.
Salah satu amalan yang paling mudah yang perlu kita amalkan sepanjang bulan Syaaban adalah berdasarkan Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang diriwayatkan oleh Anas bin Malik : “Sesungguhnya Allah SWT telah menciptakan laut dari sinar di bawah Arasy, lalu menciptakan satu Malaikat yang mempunyai dua sayap, satu sayapnya di timur dan sayapnya yang lain di barat, sedang kepalanya di bawah Arasy dan kedua kakinya di bawah lapis bumi ke tujuh. Apabila seseorang hambanya membaca selawat untukku di bulan Syaaban maka Allah SWT menyuruh Malaikat itu, supaya menyelam di air “Hidup”. Malaikat itupun menyelam, kemudian keluar dari dalam air serta mengibas-ngibaskan kedua sayapnya, sehingga bertitisanlah air dari bulu-bulu yang sangat banyak sekali. Maka Allah SWT menciptakan dari tiap-tiap titis air itu, satu Malaikat yang memohonkan ampunan bagi orang yang membaca selawat, sampai hari Kiamat.”
Kedua hadith di atas petikan dari buku Duratun Nasihin Mutiara Mubaligh.
Begitulah hebatnya ganjaran apabila kita perbanyakkan membaca selawat di bulan Syaaban. Sebenarnya banyak lagi kelebihan bulan Syaaban tetapi cukuplah aku kongsikan satu yang penting amalkan dengan Istiqamah. Jangan lupa Nisfu Syaabanpada 15 Syaaban.

Friday, July 15, 2011

What happens if you wear MU jersey at Liverpool Asia Tour 2011 @ Malaysi...

Official How to Ride a RipStik Ride Guide

12 Rasulullah's Favorite Foods

1) Milk:
"Milk wipes away heat from the heart just as the finger." It strengthens the back, improves the brain, renews vision and drives away forgetfulness.

2) Honey:
Honey is a remedy for every illness and the Quran is a remedy for all illness of the mind therefore i recommend to you both remedies, the Qur'an and honey (Bukhari).

3) Figs:
"If i had to mention a fruit that descended from paradise i would say this is it because the paradisacal fruits do not have pits. Eat from these fruits for they prevent hemorrhoids, piles and help gout." (Bukhari)

4) Dates:
"Whoever takes seven ajwa dates in the morning will not be affected by magic of poison on that day." (Bukhari)
Rasulullah (SAW) said that a house without dates has no food.

5) Barley:
Good in fever while used in a soup form.

6) Melon:
"None of your women who are pregnant and eat of water melon will fail to produce off spring that is good in countenance and good in character."

7) Grapes:
"It purifies the blood, provides vigor and health, strengthens the kidneys and clears the bowels."

8) Mushrooms:
Rasulullah (SAW) said that "The mushroom is a good cure for the eyes."

9) Pomegranate:
"Cleanses you of saitan and evil aspirations for 40 days"

10) Vinegar:
Rasulullah (SAW) used to eat with olive oil. (Thats now a fashion in elite italian restaurants).

11) Olive Oil:
Important for skin and hair treatment, delays old age and treats inflammation of
the stomach.

12) Water:
Rasulullah (SAW) said "The best drink in this world is water; when you are thirsty drink it by sips and not gulps, gulping produces sickness of the liver."

Note: As Muslims we are fortunate enough to obtain this knowledge and include these foods in our diet. Allah has blessed us with many good foods.


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