Saturday, March 31, 2012

Takrif Jimak.. Banyak Hal Kalau Dah Tenggelam Hasyafah - Ustaz Azhar Idrus

Daripada Abdullah bin Abbas (r.a.) daripada Rasulullah SAW bersabda: 
"Jikalaulah sesungguhnya siapapun daripada kamu hendak mendatangi isterinya, dia berdoalah - *Dengan nama Allah. Ya Allah ! Jauhilah kami dari syaitan. Dan jauhilah syaitan dari barang yang Kamu kurniakan rezeki kepada kami.* Maka jika dikurniakan bagi keduanya seorang anak, nescaya tidak boleh dirosakkannya oleh syaitan buat selama-lamanya" (Riwayat Al-Bukhari)

(Senyum) Keluar MANI Ketika Buang AIR - Ustaz Azhar Idrus

So, kalau korg ade experience macam ni x payah la mandi wajib sbb itu biasenye air wadi..

Earth Hour 2012

As you guys know, tonight will be earth hour. An hour which people will turn their electrical stuffs off. Hope we not just turn-off the light for an hour, hope that our concern and action towards this earth hour will be continued even after the earth hour. Maybe the easiest thing that we can do is to use electric wisely such as turn-off the electrical devices when we are not using them (turn-off your laptop when you are not using it) and don't left your devices in stand-by mode as it consumes electric more than when you turn them off. You may think this is a small thing but how about if 7 million people in the world doing the same? It would not be a small thing anymore. Let's say, a person donate $1 dollar for a charity, it may be a small amount but when 5 million people donate $1 each person, the amount would be a staggering $5 million dollar. What's important is we do the good deeds continuously even it is small.


Watch this official video of earth hour 2012, and play around with the switch at the left-side of the video's title.

DiGi WWWOW Internet For All Awards 2012


DIGI WWWOW AWARDS 2012: I’ve just joined the DiGi WWWOW Awards! Check out my entry here!

Friday, March 30, 2012

The new iPad - Exclusive Review on magical features

Doa Hilang Stres Dan Tekanan

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Android Vs iOS The Truth about Apple and Google's OS

Doa Mohon Kekayaan yang Banyak dan Berkah

Sahabatku, aminkan Doa ini Mohon Kekayaan yang Banyak dan Berkah, "Rabbighfirli wa habli mulkan la yambaghi li ahadim-mim ba’di, innaka antal-wahhab. “Ya Tuhanku, ampunilah aku dan anugerahkanlah 
kepadaku kerajaan yang tidak dimiliki oleh seorang pun sesudahku, sesungguhnya Engkaulah Yang Maha Pemberi.”


Doa menghindari rasa malas dan cengkaman hutang


Mr Owl Explains The Trinity

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How It's Made Swiss Cheese

Makna bacaan solat

Monday, March 26, 2012

Finch's culture exchange

New iPad 3 Heating Issue

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Aussies who have turned to Islam


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