Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Serves: 4
•100 grams butter, diced

•140g best-quality dark chocolate, broken into pieces

•6 eggs, separated

•140g ground almonds

•1 tbsp kirsch or Cointreau (optional)

•85g caster sugar

•Cocoa powder, for dusting

•Creme Fraiche to serve

1. Preheat the oven to 170C degrees. Line the base of a 23-centimetre springform cake tin with baking paper and butter. Dust the sides with a little flour. Melt the butter and chocolate, stir until smooth and leave for about 5 minutes to cool slightly. Stir in the egg yolks, ground almonds and liqueur, if using.
2. Put the egg whites into a bowl, add a pinch of salt and whisk until soft peaks form. Continue whisking, sprinkling in the sugar a little at a time, until stiff peaks form. Stir two tablespoons of the whites into the chocolate mixture, then carefully fold in the remainder.
3. Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 30 to 35 minutes until well risen and just firm. Cool in the tin. Remove the cake and peel away the paper. Dust with cocoa powder, slice and top with creme fraiche.


Serves: 8-10


3 x 250 g packets cream cheese, softened

220g caster sugar

1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

zest and juice of 2 limes

3 eggs

1 egg yolk

125 ml pouring cream

fresh lime wedges and double cream, to serve

cheesecake base

1 x 250g packet nice or granita biscuits

2 tablespoons brown sugar, firmly packed

125g unsalted butter, melted


1. To prepare the cheesecake base, process biscuits and sugar in a food processor until fine crumbs form. Add butter and process until combined. Press mixture over the base of a 22cm non-stick springform tin. Use a palette knife smooth the base. Chill for 1 hour.

2. Preheat oven to 220°C.

3. Using an electric mixer, beat cream cheese, sugar, vanilla, lime zest and juice in a bowl until just smooth. Add eggs one at a time, beating until just combined. Add egg yolk and beat until just combined. Stir in cream. Pour mixture into tin over crumb base.

4. Bake on lowest shelf for 10 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 150°C and bake a further 25-30 minutes or until mixture is almost set.

5. Cool cheesecake in oven with door slightly ajar. Cover and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.

6. Cut into generous slices and serve with a fresh lime wedge and double cream.

Chef's Tips

1. Use the base of a drinking glass to help press crumbs over base of tin.

2. For a glamorous garnish, grate dark chocolate over top of cheesecake before serving – it has a natural affinity with lime.

3. Be careful to only remove the thin coloured part of the peel when zesting citrus fruit as the white pith underneath is very bitter.

4. Most cheesecakes are better made a day in advance. It gives the flavours time to develop and allows the texture to firm. Baked cheesecakes are best eaten at room temperature.

For more cheesecake inspiration visit Yahoo!7 Food!


Serves: 8-10 


675g dark chocolate, in small pieces

450g unsalted butter, soft

675g caster sugar

10 eggs

poached pears

4 beurre bosc pears, peeled, cored and halved

1 cinnamon stick, broken

100g brown sugar

crème fraiche, to serve

extra cocoa for dusting

1/2 teaspoon black salt to garnish crème fraiche

sprigs of fresh mint to garnish


1. Pre heat your oven to very slow (120°C).

2. To prepare the poached pears, place pear halves into a small casserole dish. Add cinnamon, sugar and enough water to cover pears. Cover with foil and cook for about 4 hours or until very tender. You may need to add a little extra water during cooking so pears do not burn. Check every hour. Remove pears. Cool. Refrigerate, covered, until required.

3. To prepare the cake, preheat oven to 160°C. Grease a 20cm round springform tin. Line base with baking paper.

4. Stir chocolate and butter in a medium bowl, over a saucepan of simmering water until melted and combined. Remove from heat and cool for 10 minutes.

5. Whisk together eggs and sugar until pale and creamy. Fold in the slightly cooled chocolate mixture in two batches.

6. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan. Place into a roasting pan and add enough boiling water to come halfway up side of cake pan. Cook in the centre of the oven for 55 minutes. Remove cake pan from roasting dish. Cool. Refrigerate overnight.To serve, remove side of cake pan. Generously cut the cake into slices and place onto plates. Spoon over a generous amount of creme fraiche and garnish with black salt. Place a pear half on each plate. Dust a little cocoa onto the plate and garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.

Chef's Tips:

1. The beurre bosc pear is in season from March to November, and is a medium to large pear. Sweet and juicy, it’s one of the best all-rounders for cooking.

2. It is important to cool the chocolate mixture before mixing with the eggs and sugar. If it is too hot, you will end up with scrambled eggs.

3. If black salt is unavailable, try garnishing the crème fraiche with a little grated chocolate.

4. Cooking in a waterbath protects the cake or dessert from the direct heat of the oven, helping to ensure a moist result.

5. This kind of rich chocolate mousse cake would also be delicious served with canned black cherries or a quick espresso sauce.

For more choccie inspiration, visit Yahoo!7 Food

Monday, January 24, 2011


Rupanya tanpa kita sedari, dalam makanan yang kita makan sehari-hari, kita tak boleh makan sesuka hati kita saja. Inilah penyebab terjadinya berbagai penyakit antara lain penyakit kencing manis, lumpuh, sakit jantung, keracunan makanan dan lain-lain penyakit. Apabila anda telah mengetahui ilmu ini, tolonglah ajarkan kepada yang lainnya.

Ustaz Abdullah Mahmood mengungkapkan, Rasulullah SAW tak pernah sakit perut sepanjang hayatnya kerana pandai menjaga makanannya sehari-hari. InsyaAllah kalau anda ikut diet Rasulullah ini, Anda takkan menderita sakit perut ataupun keracunan makanan.

Jangan makan SUSU bersama DAGING, Jangan makan DAGING bersama IKAN, Jangan makan IKAN bersama SUSU, Jangan makan AYAM bersama SUSU, Jangan makan IKAN bersama TELUR, Jangan makan IKAN bersama DAUN SALAD, Jangan makan SUSU bersama CUKA, Jangan makan BUAH bersama SUSU (Contoh : KOKTEL)

* Jangan makan buah setelah makan nasi, sebaliknya makanlah buah terlebih dahulu, baru makan nasi.
* Tidur 1 jam setelah makan tengah hari.
*Jangan sesekali tinggal makan malam. Barang siapa yg tinggal makan malam dia akan dimakan usia dan kolesterol dalam badan akan berganda. Nampak memang sulit.. tapi, kalau tak percaya? Kesannya tidak dalam jangka pendek?. Kesannya akan nampak bila kita sudah tua nanti.
* Dalam Al-Quran juga melarang kita makan makanan darat bercampur dengan makanan laut. Nabi SAW pernah mencegah kita makan ikan bersama susu. kerana akan cepat mendapat penyakit. Ini terbukti oleh ilmuwan yang menemukan bahawa dalam daging ayam mengandung ion+ sedangkan dalam ikan mengandung ion-, jika dalam makanan kita ayam bercampur dengan ikan maka akan terjadi reaksi biokimia yang akan dapat merosakkan usus kita. Al-Quran Juga mengajarkan kita menjaga kesihatan spt membuat amalan antara lain:

1. Mandi Pagi sebelum subuh, sekurang kurangnya sejam sebelum matahari terbit. Air sejuk yang meresap ke dalam badan dapat mengurangi penimbunan lemak. Kita boleh saksikan orang yang mandi pagi kebanyakan tidak gemuk.

2. Rasulullah SAW mengamalkan minum segelas air sejuk (bukan air dalam peti sejuk) setiap pagi. Mujarabnya InsyaAllah jauh dari penyakit (susah mendapat sakit).

3. Waktu sembahyang subuh disunatkan kita bertafakur (iaitu sujud sekurang kurangnya seminit setelah membaca doa). Kita akan terhindar dari sakit kepala atau migrain. Ini terbukti oleh para ilmuwan yang membuat kajian kenapa dalam sehari perlu kita sujud. Ahli-ahli sains telah menemui beberapa milimeter ruang udara dalam saluran darah di kepala yg tidak dipenuhi darah. Dengan bersujud maka darah akan mengalir ke ruang tersebut.

4. Nabi SAW juga mengajar kita makan dengan tangan dan bila habis hendaklah menjilat jari. Begitu juga ahli saintis telah menemukan bahawa enzim banyak terkandung di celah jari-jari, iaitu 10 kali ganda terdapat dalam air liur. (enzim sejenis alat percerna makanan).

Sabda Nabi SAW : "Ilmu itu milik Allah, barang siapa menyebarkan ilmu demi
kebaikan insyaAllah, Allah akan menggandakan 10 kali kepadanya"



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