
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Evolusi website Apple dari tahun 1996 hingga kini

> Tahun 1996

October, 1996: The first archive of the Apple website and some of the pictures are lost. Note Apple's promises about the Y2K bug. This year, Apple buys NeXT and Steve Jobs comes back as an advisor.

> 1997

October, 1997: Coolio! CD ROM Drives and Apple Newtons and the eMate 300, known back then as

> 1998

May 8, 1998: Apple was reinventing itself with the new iMac and PowerBook G3 laptop. Note the

> 1999: iMac pelbagai warna dilancarkan

November, 1999: The launch of the colored iMac and a laptop called the iBook.


October 2000: Jobs is named permanent CEO. Not everything he did succeeded. This year he would launch the PowerMac Cube, which would be killed about a year later.

>2001:iPod dan OS X dilancarkan

October 2001: The iPod arrives, Apple opens its first store. OS X arrives, too.

October 2002: Apple goes on the attack against Microsoft, who has, by now, basically won the PC war. Larry Ellison resigns from Apple's board.

>2003:iTunes dilancarkan

November 2003: iTunes launches and Apple makes it available for Windows, too.


October 2004: With the iPod and iTunes, Apple has become a music indutry powerhouse. It kicks off an ad campaign with U2.  This year word breaks that Jobs is being treated for pancreatic cancer.

>2005: iPod nano dilancarkan

September 2005: Apple launches the Mighty Mouse, the iPod Nano and Video iPod. 1 million videos are sold on iTunes in 19 days.


September 2006: Apple moves to Intel processors. Plus this year Disney will buy Pixar, putting Jobs on Disney's board.

>2007: iPhone dilancarkan.

June 2007: The iPhone arrives! And Apple TV, demoed months earlier, will go on sale. Apple removes the word

>2008: Macbook Air dilancarkan

August 2008: In one year, the iPhone has changed everything. The media calls it the

> 2009

April 2009: Apple's store has become the new model for distributing apps. Later this year, word spreads that Steve Jobs' health is failing.

> 2010: iPad dilancarkan

April 2009: Apple's store has become the new model for distributing apps. Later this year, word spreads that Steve Jobs' health is failing.


October 2011: Steve Jobs dies.

>2012: iPhone 5 dilancarkan

September 2012: Apple introduces the iPhone 5. This year Apple's stock will hit the $700 mark. It's not all smooth sailing. After releasing the iPhone 5, Apple apologizes for its poor Maps application.

> 2013


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