
Monday, January 28, 2013

Awesome products at CES 2013 [part 4]


Innergie PocketCell Duo

22) Innergie PocketCell Duo

From now on, we’re never leaving the house without a backup battery, and this one pretty much saved our bacon at CES. The new Innergie PocketCell Duo can charge two devices at once from its dual, rechargeable 6800mAh lithium-ion batteries. Just plug into the two USB ports or use the Magic Cable, which includes a 30-pin Apple connector (plug in your own Lightning adapter, if needed) as well as micro-USB connectors. Recharge the batter from any USB power source. 

Liquid Image POV Camera Goggles

23) Liquid Image POV Camera Goggles

We ran into the folks at Liquid Image, who showed off one of their new line of video-equipped goggles. The pair shown here, the Torque HDs, are for off-road racing, and they also have them for skiers and water sports. The full-HD cameras positioned just above your nose provide a more realistic POV experience than helmet- or bar-mounted cameras. They’re Wi-Fi enabled, so you can use your phone or tablet as a remote and viewfinder.

Sennheiser IE 800 Earbuds

24) Sennheiser IE 800 Earbuds

Check it out: $1,000 earbuds. Sennheiser swung for the fences with this pair of ceramic buds that are designed for totally immersive sound. Their dampened, two-chamber design produces the least amount of distortion yet with any in-ear design. Hey, recession’s over, right?

Sharp 85-Inch 8K Television

25) Sharp 85-Inch 8K Television

Last year Sharp was the first out with a 4K television. This year, they upgraded themselves to 8K. What’s next? If our math is right—and it is—we’ll be seeing a 16K set in this cabinet next January. Bring it, Sharp …

Sony Xperia Z Smartphone

26) Sony Xperia Z Smartphone

This jewel-like Android phone has a gorgeous 5-inch, 1080p HD display and a 13-megapixel fast-camera, but its real trick is its water-resistance. Note; Sony’s legal-eagles make them say “water-resistant,” but they were dunking this thing every 30 seconds for four days in that little bathtub. It’s waterproof, everyone. 

Xi3 Piston

28) Xi3 Piston

These guys are taking a different approach to computer design—a modular construction that allows easy access and easy upgrading. Their new Piston is rugged, portable, and versatile—it’s quar-core AMD processor will crank out serious graphics capabilities, yet it’s aluminum design and low-energy consumption will keep the rig cool in action.

Archon Genomics X-Prize

30) Archon Genomics X-Prize

We stopped by to chat with the team from the X-Prize Foundation at the show. This dynamic, energetic group develops competitions to spur innovation, from space exploration to automotive efficiency to, now, health. Their Archon Genomics X-Prize will, later this year, award $10 million to the first group that can sequence 100 genomes for less than $1,000 each and in less than 30 days. Basically, the idea is that rapid, inexpensive DNA sequencing will allow researchers to create ever-growing databases of health risks, and allow you to find out what may or may not lie in your future. As a result, you’ll be able to take preventive measures and lifestyle changes to keep illness at bay, and maybe live forever! Okay, probably not, but we’d sure like to be here for the 2075 Consumer Electronics Show, so we’re lining up for testing. 

Read more at Men's Health:

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